Cels Forum

Re: Re: Thanks Drac (Fri Mar 3 06:58:59 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Um. . . Just so we can keep the air clear here, I'd like to
say that at no point did I either say or think that
Confused should try to hide that the cels he might have to
sell are restored. Obviously, if a cel has been restored,
that is important to note, as it effects the value of the
cel. One thing Confused might want to consider, is to scan
the cels in detail in their damaged state and show that
scan when offering them for sale after restoration. A good
restoration job will increase the value of a cel that has
been damaged, although never to what it's full value would
be if it had not been damaged in the first place. I would
be VERY angry if someone sold me a restored cel without
telling me it was restored but I wouldn't turn up my nose
to a well restored cel that I liked if told it had been

In my never humble opinion, someone who specializes in
restoration could wind up by chance saving someone's
"perfect cel" from being consigned to a trash can because
it got damaged. I know there are a number of cels (exact
ones that I could point out of the anime pieces they're in)
that I would crawl over glass to have, damaged or not. If
there's someone out there who is looking for and actively
restoring damaged cels, it's just one more safety net.

(For the big cels that I would crawl over glass to have in
any condition, see Violinist of Hamelin episode nine - the
big pan cel of Clary fighting Drum. Also see the cels of
Larva unmasked from Vampire Princess Miyu OVA. If anyone
has these and wants to talk, I can make it very worth your
while!! (Yes, I know you've all heard me say it time and
time before. . . I can dream, can't I? ^_^)

Many Sharp Smiles,

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