Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Ever feel like it's time to stop collecting? A disheartened collector...... (Sun Feb 13 14:41:56 2000 )
Yann Stettler

Why does people always have to see things in term
of competition ? Of win or lose ?

So, you see something that you would like to have but
can't ? Well, You don't "lose". Perhaps you missed a
possibility of getting it but it's not a competition.
You know, in life, there is many things that you will
want to have and won't be able to. That's how it is...
Better get used to it...
Instead of being sad because you couldn't get something,
you should be happy of what you were able get.

There is plenty anime and plenty cels around. In the
past, there was good and bad anime. Currently, it's the
same : there is also good and bad anime. And I am sure
that in the future there will also be good and bad oens.
Are you buying a cel because of others people ? Because you have to get
one because everybody else seems to want one ? Because
it's "a la mode" ? Or are you collecting because you
like the art yourself, whatever other people think ?
If you absolutly want to have only cels that several
hundred people also want, you are bound to be disapointed
most of the time. And wanting to buy a cel just because
others people want to buy the same cel is not liking
the art and is not an hobby.

You should try once to look at a cel. Not glance at it
or look at the name of the anime and what other people
think of it. But realy look at the cel itself as a
stand-alone artwork. Look at the colors, at the design, at
the composition of the picture: Look at what make a cel realy
interesting and an artwork in its own right.
I am sure you will then find plenty of cels, from perhaps
less popular anime but for much cheaper and as good/nice.
Many people don't do that: They want a cel from an anime
because others people want it to. They only think in
term of competition. They feel cheated, they fell they
are losing, if the can't get a cel. Whatever the cel
itself is beautiful or not, they don't care : they want
that anime because everybody else want it.
Don't be afraid of saying (for example) "I don't like
the design of Evangelion and I don't see why I should
pay hundred dollars for a bad cel from it just because
everybody else want one".

If you can only enjoy a cel because of others people
and not for personal reason, then yes, perhaps it's
not the right hobby for you... it certainly isn't a

Yann Stettler

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