Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: I hate myself. (Fri Jan 28 01:09:25 2000 )
Jennifer A. Wand

Thanks for the support, but the criticism in this
case is definitely well-deserved.  When I do something
this stupid, I can't expect to be spoken to gently.

As for what I hope to gain by posting here, I guess
it was just a sense as to how other people dealt
with similar situations.  I'd always felt the aim of
a forum... not just this forum, but any forum.. was
for people to share their opinions and experiences 
on a given topic.  With that as my model, I thought
this was a most appropriate place to share my
experience and seek advice.  

I also thought that perhaps my experience might
be helpful in reminding others to prioritize... a
horror story, so to speak, that might be important
to keep in mind if people are considering a purchase
that they might regret.  I know I shall certainly keep
it in mind from now on.

If Mr. Stettler would prefer that I not use the forum 
for such matters, I graciously beg his pardon and will
refrain from posting personal experiences along the same
line in future.

No sarcasm or ulterior motive is intended by this posting.
I am completely serious and beg the forum moderator's
pardon for any unintentional abuse of the privelege of
posting here.



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