Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Megazone and Iczer cels (Mon Jan 31 00:34:35 2000 )
Ralph Jenkins


>Hey This is kinda funny because today Taro listed two cels
>as being from Megazone 23 when one was actaully Nagisa
>from Fight Iczer 1.

This is a fairly easy mistake to make, since Hirano's 
character designs for Yui and Nagisa are rather similar,
right down to the same hair color.  I once bought a 
cassette tape cover with a picture of Nagisa on the front, 
taken from the scene where she had just stepped out of the
shower, thinking it was a picture of Yui, from the scene
where _she_ had just been in the shower.  Naked--like
the Nagisa cel at Taro--they _can_ be difficult to tell
apart.  ;)  In general, though, Nagisa does look a
bit younger than Yui, and Yui never screamed and 
whined that much.  ;)       

>Anyway Yann, How much are nice cels of Yui going for? I >love Mikimoto-sensei's charaters but it seems all of my >faves cost way too much, Minmay, Misa, Hikaru and the such >:)

You're telling me...  Prime Macross cels are very rare, 
and if you do find them, they are quite expensive, and
even those disappear quickly.  

>I have "retired" from cel collecting as I have too many 
>hobbies right now but I am stil looking for that >"killer"cel. 

I decided I didn't want to start collecting cels until
I could find at least one "killer" cel to get started with.
The trouble with this is that people want to trade their
best cels, not sell them.  I've browsed through the cels at various cons for the past five years, but I never actually purchased one (to the chagrin of the cel dealers, I'm sure).  The cels I found at cons were always from 
recent, "trendy" shows (whereas I was always looking for
classic cels from the 80s or early 90s), or else they 
were astronimically priced.  I remember seeing a nice
GunBuster cel of Noriko when I went to Anime Expo in
'97, but it was something like $700.  ;)      

The next con I'm planning to go to is Katsucon, which is
about 30 mins. from where I live.  :)  Since Yoshitaka
Amano is a guest, I'll probably try to find a cel from
Angel's Egg to get signed.

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