Cels Forum

Re: Anything to avoid studying (Wed May 10 09:40:03 2000 )

I should be studying for my Japanese and economics test 
which are coming up in.. *looks at clock* nine hours 
instead of posting , but well.. when do I ever study when I
 should?  My brain can't hold any more kanji!!!

Anyway, back on topic:

What do I do when I get a cel?  Well once it reaches my 
post office getting it can be an ordeal, since I dont trust 
the delivery service to my dorm I have everything shipped 
to my parents's house, and since at least half the time my 
cels are coming from japan, they usually have to be signed 
for, and most of the time no one's home when the postman 
comes.  So then it's a good 45 minute drive from school to 
our rural post office to get it, or if I'm lucky and 
someone was at home ot sign for the cel, a shorter one to 
get it from there. (note the only reason I'm rambling so  
much is in order to stretch this out and thus prolong 
procrastination time ^_^)

Anyway, once I HAVE the cel.. I take it by the apartment of
 my friend whose into anime but doesnt collect cels.  No 
one I know does, so the closest I can come to appreciation 
is anime fans.  Then I bring it back to my dorm and scan 
it, and then make a big rambly description of it and put it 
on a webpage, and upload it to my gallery.  The cel 
itself?  It goes back home on the next trip (a safer 
environment than this closet which passes for a dorm room) 
and is stored in a cel bag in something protective that 
keeps the light out (usually whatever it was shipped in) 
until the day I have my own house or apartment to make it 
worth framing and displaying some of these things.  Some of 
the cels have never come out of their packaging again after
 the scan.  That's why my online gallery usually has so 
many different views of each cel, its easier for me (and 
safer for the cel) to look at them that way than in person.
I sometimes wonder if I ought to just buy the cels, scan them, and then get rid of them *lol*!

What's the most I've spent on a cel?  Gee I feel like a big 
spender compared to the other posts.. I spent 300 on the 
cel on Anthy from the last episode of Utena.  That one's 
the most expensive, and I hemmed and hawed about it(though 
the piece of original chiho saitou art was even more pricy,
 its not a cel).  

Hmm.. *looks at other window*  Taro's updated.. well now I 
really have no excuses to be glued to my computer any 
longer.. *dives back into kanji book*


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