Cels Forum

Re: What is the first thing U do, when U get ur cel?? and questions.. (Wed May 10 17:48:36 2000 )


First, I carefully peel it out of it's package and cel bag. Then, 
I stare at it for a few seconds, then I un-stick whatever is stuck,
then I might hug it or bounce around with it for a few seconds if I'm 
*really* happy! Then, I stick it in my scanner, scan it, upload it, and 
send the link off to two of my friends to make them look at the beauty 
of my cel! (they do it to me, too, though, so it's all right :) I'll 
usually stick it on my webpage later when I have the time. The cel 
goes in the cel book.......I usually look through my cels every other day 
or so. :)

I'd love to frame some cels if I could find a place to do it for me! I 
don't trust myself! :)

The most I spent on a cel that I kept was $350. :) I have a real problem 
spending more than $300 on a cel....it's funny, because I have NO 
problem ordering 6 $50 cels......lol *_*

Ever wonder what you'd find if you totalled up how much you spent on cels 
in a month? I've never quite had the courage to.....

you should have seen me bounce when this one came in (:

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