Cels Forum

Re: Is fading a factor of the cel's origin? (Thu May 11 15:46:55 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


It's possible the problem is a factor of the glass. There
are different grades of UV protective glass - some which
block a wider range of wavelengths of UV light than others.
After hearing problems with framing, I've taken down all
but one of the cels I had framed. The one I have left up is
a cel of Clary which is behind "museum-quality" archival
glass that is supposed to block literally 99.5% of all UV
light wavelengths. (And I can argue with myself that it's
not in incredible shape anyway, so I can play with it. ^_-)

Of course, even though it's not in direct sunlight, this
still means that .5% of all the UV light that hits that
glass is getting through to the cel. I'm sure that adds up.

I didn't think about color copies, I've actually considered
replicating a couple of my cels as closely as I can and
framing the replicas. But it's never really seemed worth the effort.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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