Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: please explain this ... (Thu Dec 30 19:09:57 1999 )

>yes I can see the image
>has more showing. Anybody with an image editor can add 
>a few strokes of similar colours, its so dead 
>simple its stupid. But I can also see that areas 
>which should be the same, like the section near his
 >chin (hair), and others are not exact as the screen 
>capture. People should look _carefully_ first and decide.
>I am not articulate enough to point out everything.

 Have you even played the game????? If you have,
there are more parts to that scene than that
screen shot you posted. 
There are at least 12 cels which
made up that little part. As for differenes
Garr's hair is moving
since he is swinging his sword.

>Now Megan - if you really own this cel, I would apologise.

  Of coarse I own the cel.

>But right now I see a dubious image and thats it. And I'm 
>sorry, but its hard to see that image being from some other
>shot (as you claim)

 Believe whatever you want nameless one. I'm
not about to get into a slapping contest with you
over this, I own that cel and two others and I am
dang proud of it. I have searched for months for
these, and it makes me slighty annoyed when I post
proudly about a new cel, and someone, who will NOT
post their name does something like this.


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