Cels Forum

Good grief. (Fri Dec 31 17:33:32 1999 )
Shari Millar


 I'm newer to cel collecting
than some of you, but I am surprised
to see how quickly some of you jump
to conclusions.
 I myself am a close friend to Megan. 
As I only live thirty feet
away, I went to see her Destiny cels the day
she got them. All I can say is, THAT cel, along
with the other two are REAL, not editions, not fan
art, they are the real macoy.
 Since I have seen the cels in person, and then
the scan second...if I had not seen the cels first
 I may have wondered, but never would I have gone
this distance to humiliate someone. If I had doubts
I would have at least done it via e-mail.

 I'm sorry that fellow cel collectors are doing
this to you Megan.
 Your cels are lovely, you should be proud:)


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