Cels Forum

Re: Cel color confusion. (Thu Dec 30 07:51:44 1999 )


This is purely a guess, but perhaps the animator made a
mistake on that cel and painted another cel with just the
dress painted in purple.  The cels could have been layered
together for the filming process, but then the purple layer
misplaced when packaged up for sale.

The only basis I have for this guess is a couple of cels of
mine.  One has Sailormoon's hands painted in normal skin
tone and her gloves to cover them up painted on a separate
cel.  Another one of my cels has Pluto, Neptune and Uranus
all with the same skin tone.  But, it came with another
unstuck cel of just Pluto's skin in her normal darker skin

Again this is just a guess.  The more cels I get, the more
quirky things I see when it comes to how they paint the
cels.  It's very interesting!!

Hope this helps some,

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