Cels Forum

Re: Re: Anyone else like to cel (OOPS trying again) (Fri Dec 24 11:55:18 1999 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Dratted tab key screwing me up. . . ^_-

After I started collecting cels I started the "wow! that would be a great cel to have" thing too. :)  I usually don't go looking for the particular scene after saying that, though. The only cel I'm after like that is a cel to go with the Miyu cel I just got from Yann. (Check the "cels on hold" section - Miyu134.) Miyu134, put together with a cel I already have of Larva holding the sword, blade up (which is after Miyu 134), leaves me only looking for one of Miyu holding the sword (which would precede both the others - she is handing it to him, not the other way around). If I can find Miyu holding the sword. . . WOW! What a set that would make framed!! (*swoon*)  I'd think about the possibility of finding the background to the scene too, but I don't want to pass out. ;)

Thinking of. . . Does anyone know people who deal at all in just the backgrounds? I know finding ones to match cels I already have is one in a million, but there are a couple I'd love to try to find.

Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac  (on the Seventh Night and counting :)

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