Cels Forum

Apology for previous message (Tue Dec 21 14:11:00 1999 )

There Ive slept off the anger. I want to apologize for my evilness in the prior message. It's just that I receive hate mail all the time about what I do. But I also receive praise. It's just the fact, that two months ago, mt site had a "loud" background, and 5.00 ebay cels to show off. I think, in two months, having acquired the abilty to accept credit cards, maiing lists, contest for discounts, order forms, new friends, and regular customers, is alot to be proud of. I've got over $1,000 worth of cels coming in, and I'm at the point where this update will make me, or break me. I just don't want to go belly-up over either someone's comments, that could harm my rep, if taken in a negative manner.

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