Cels Forum

Here's a thought (Mon Dec 13 03:39:08 1999 )

MAYBE they are charging so much because they want to make
a bigger profit!!!  Typically most of their cels are priced
double what other dealers charge.  All ya gotta do
is shop around to find other cels from the same sequences
at the very least, same series, at the better dealers like
anime chaos, anime gambit, anime-cel.com, and animanga.
There is usually a huge difference in the cost- an example
is their fushigi yugi and card captor sakura.
Splash Page prices also tend to be outrageous, and as for
Japanese dealers,  Taro has been raising their prices over 
the last few months, while a-c.c has not...  There are also
lots of private dealers just trying to get their money back.
But you do have a point- if people pay an outrageous sum for
cels, there is no reason for dealers not to charge that much,
unless it's someone that collects cels and isn't in it for
the money.

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