Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: FANART cels???!!! (Sun May 7 06:01:59 2000 )
Jey Kama

eBay isn't really the best place to get a good idea of the 
range of fanart quality, I'd say ^^; I have sold several 
pencil drawings there for pretty nice amounts (and felt 
excessively guilty over X.x) but no matter 50%-70% dissimilar
or what, I really don't like it when fanart is copied
from originals. (Not just because of possible fraud if 
mistaken for the original, in the case of fan-cels... but also 
because it's not FANart). 

As for how much I'd pay... well, that's somewhat moot as I've
barely enough for real cels ^^; but there have been some
gorgeous fanart cels I've seen that I wouldn't mind owning...
but most aren't of characters I like =/ 

Consignment is... when you let others sell for you, isn't it?


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