Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: To the malicious emailer regarding fancels (Wed Sep 29 04:28:15 1999 )

Like OUCH!, first of all that first statement with the guillotine
did not make sense at all, and what does friendship have to 
do with anything? Obviously, being friendly isn't one of her
strong suits.  I totally agree with Ranma's Cute Fiancee'
with you not needing to defend yourself.  I mean you already
explained what went on, and that should be enough!  I 
personally have seen your work, and yes I think it's pretty
good...better than stick figures ^_^ and that you definately
got talent.  In addition, you've not tried to pass that
fancel off as an original production cel, but have clearly
stated on your e-bay auction that it was a fan made cel etc... I don't see anything wrong or ethically wrong with that.
What you do with your time, money, and skills by making 
fancels as a hobby is your thing.  Selling off your work, not
as a production cel, but an original fancel is another thing.
People who buy your work know it to be a fancel, not a production cel, and at the same time like many people who 
buy cels enjoy the art.  Yes I know I'm a bit redundant, but to
make it clear, AniMegami did nothing wrong and should NOT be
slandered in this way.  She stated why she took down her 
fancel, she stated in her e-bay auction it WAS a fancel.  
And of course there is nothing wrong with selling off YOUR
work for a pretty penny.  Your time, money, and sweat went
into it, why not get something for it? as long as people out
there know what they want, and are willing to pay for it.

Oh and let us all remember this one quote our mothers used 
to say "If you can't say something nice, DON'T say it at all"

Well that's my humble opinion ^_^ good day
-Satoshi *Narf!*

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