Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Selling cels ethical question (Fri Oct 22 23:32:30 1999 )
Yann Stettler

Sorry, I don't mean to be harsh with you, Rcf, it's
just all those anonymous posting that are getting on
my nerve from time to time. Especialy when it's from
a dealer that claim that it's better than other.

Oh, sure, it's nice that you always write if a sketch
is stuck or not. It simply that I understand dealers
who don't write anything and to my knowledge there isn't
any that is trying to mislead a customer as you seem
to imply.  I bought from many dealers for my collection
myself. Sometime it was stuck to a sketch. Sometime it
wasn't. Had I know about it, it wouldn't have changed
anything to my choice of buying those cels.

I am not speaking as dealer myself. As dealer, I check
nearly all cels but it's not my fault : it's because
I very rarly get a cel in a "scanable" bag. I know that
if I could scan them in their bag, I would do it...
(not counting that the glass of my scaner as a lot of
scratch that doesn't help. It's 8 years old after all...).

Yann Stettler

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