Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Selling cels ethical question (Sun Oct 24 11:21:58 1999 )
Ranma's Cute Fiance'

> most of them
> are from anime or come from sources where the cels
> aren't in sealed back... so sure, you have time to check.

Most of my cels are in sealed bags and if you want to say that 
having the time to check as working till all hours of the morning
doing so, then yes, I have time to check and just like you, a 
full time job too.

> And naturaly, we can't verify how relevent the information
> you give.

Of course; you don't know me and you have no reason to believe
me, but then again, I don't know you either and I have no reason
to believe you either, nes pas?

> should have the courage to put their name so that everybody can 
> make their own opinion...

I used to think this too, but after talking with a lot of people
on your message board and elsewhere, I've come to the conclusion
that it has nothing to do with courage.  Some of us prefer to 
stay in the shadows because it's more comfortable.  Sometimes a 
person has an opinion that they are not sure how others will take
it, so they post it under an alies. Others just like to be someone
else for a while to get away.  If you notice most people's email
address does not even contain traces of their true name, neither
do their webpages.

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