Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Selling cels ethical question (Sun Oct 24 11:20:11 1999 )
Ranma's Cute Fiance'

> I think that so called dealers that make comment on other ones 
> Especialy when it's from a dealer that claim that it's 
> better than other.

I haven't noticed this.  But sorry if what I said seemed as 
such; I didn't mean that at all. I am not better than other
dealers, except for the ones that don't care about their customers. 

> Funny but I didn't noticed many dealers puting information
> about sketch being stuck or not. 

Most of the larger dealers don't.  But whenever I've asked one
of them if a cel I am buying is stuck or if it has damage, 
some oblige and give me the info, but some are just plain snotty 
about it, though. It would save the buyer a lot of time if the 
dealer just posted the ifo along with the cel.

> In fact, I saw many dealers saying that it's not at all 
> their responsability if a cel is stuck.

Dealers like that are so full of themselves!
People should take responsibility for what they sell.  

> Also, as I said : more time spent per cel, higher will be
> the price. Up to the customer to know if they want to buy 
> a cel or a cel and the extra time needed to open every bags.

Most people would rather spend a little more on a cel 
that they know is perfect and that they will be happy with it,
rather than spending a bit less for a cel that they will be
disappointed with when it arrives.

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