Cels Forum

Re: Re: How much did you?... (Fri Jan 29 06:50:37 1999 )
Lady Zatara

I've paid as much as $250 for a cel (still trying not
to kill myself financially with this hobby :P) for a cel
I really, really wanted.  As James mentioned above,
cels can cost a lot of money if they're rare scenes or
also if they're from anime shows that are old enough for 
the cels to be rather hard to find.  (ie. Lum)  Also,
OAV cels from most things are costly - but that doesn't
mean people won't pay it.  I've been outbid (as I'm sure
other have) because I wasn't willing to pay $500  for
a cel - hopefully I'll never get to the point where I'm
paying "Disney prices" for ANYTHING!  =)  

Now, I'm not sure which cel series were prices so high at the con you went to, Zero-G, but those have better been
rare and beautiful cels to have cost $200 .  =)  (It
sometimes blows me away to see dealers price a junky
Sailor Moon cel with a tiny Moon in the lower right corner
for $60.00... give me a break, people!)  Some dealers
are only in the hobby to make a quick buck - personally, 
I hope collectors who know better laugh in their greedy 
faces.  =)  Hopefully those of us who are hopelessly
addicted to this expensive hobby can continue to find 
wonderful cel dealers (online or otherwise) who still
offer fair prices for cels we can't help but purchase.  =)
(I paid a bit more than I wanted for the Hikaru OAV cel below, but wasn't it worth it? =))

Lady Zatara

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