Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: new cels at Noonchester's Artwork... (Fri Dec 11 01:54:03 1998 )

afraid people may hate me for this

     Nice response Yann ^_^;

     It seems like we've been having a lot of wars lately 
between cel collectors and a few cel "sellers".  Personally, 
I don't think there's anything wrong in saying that someone's 
prices are high.
     I have to wonder.  Are we only allowed to say good 
things about cel dealers?  Are they these holy people that 
we shouldn't dare speak a negative comment about?  Respect 
is something that you earn.  It doesn't comes automatically.  
A cel dealer such as Nichibei has existed online for quite 
some time, and they have earned their respect among many 
cel collectors.  Now Ed Noonchester has just gone online a 
few months ago.  If he desires to keep people from making 
these comments (which I think they have every right to do), 
then he should work to bring cheaper cels too.
     But why should a cel dealer care what is said about 
them if his cels are still selling?  If he's in it for 
the business, then it's the money that counts.  If people are 
buying his cels, then what should he care what is said by 
his non-customers?  
     Okay, if you think you have a right to make a profit, 
then I have the right to my opinion.       

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