Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Disappointed in AWA this year . . . (Mon Oct 11 19:58:34 1999 )

Just got around to checking e-mail and see that alot of other
people are feeling about the same as me about the con.

It was the most dissapointing con that I have been to and 
this is saying alot since my list of cons attended includes 
several first year cons. Of course, I have to admit that I 
cannot blame the con completely, since part of the reason I 
am really mad is that driving back on Sunday morning I 
succeeded in hydroplaning off the road and crashing. So, I 
guess I probably will be putting up cels in the future to pay 
for repair bills.

In regards to cels for sale, the only cels I wound up buying 
were a few lesser Kiki cels at Anime Eigo like I always wind 
up doing. Splash definitely had the most interesting cels 
there and I almost wound up buying one of their AMG cels, but 
I just could not stand to pay that much for cels that in my 
mind were slightly questionable (no sketch, non-key) and not 
what I considered worth the price. Congrats to Melissa on 
geating the OVA deedlit cel. It looked wonderful and if I had 
been more of a Deedlit fan, I seriously would have been 
tempted to buy that cel.

In regards to the hotel change, I was told they could not use 
the hotel from last year due to arguments between the AWA 
organizers and the Management of the Hotel. It still does not 
excuse the mismangement that occurred at the con in regards 
to scheduling. In addition, I cannot believe what they turned 
down in regards to fansubs. The con was offered the chance to 
premier all four Kenchin OVA fansubs and they rejected the 
offer. I do not know about you, but I would have muched 
prefered to have seen new fansubs than the load of old dubds 
and commercially released anime that they were showing.


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