Cels Forum

Re: Re: Fair Use of Cel Scans (Mon Oct 4 03:32:53 1999 )

>Personally, I really don't mind if people use the images that
>                            I have made of my sale items as long as they put them on their
>                            own server.

I wonder what the buyer thinks.

>What bothers me is when people use my modified images that I 
>                            have as decor on my sales pages and the images of my own 
>                            personal collection on my personal webpages.

    I thought that you didn't have your collection up just so
people wouldn't make offers on it ^_^  Wasn't it you who said
that before?

>But I also
>                            want to include uniquness in this case; I want my pages to be 
>                            unique, that's why I make my own images.  There are so many 
>                            clone pages out there, where the lack of the creators' imagination
>                            prompts them to use other people's ideas.

     I totally agree.  There is too much redundancy on the web 
as it is.  What I usually do is just mention that someone unnamed
has been stealing my images.  There's nothing to do so might as
well make it publically known.  Actually, it makes me want to
stop scanning/creating.  If they're not polite enough to ask, 
eventually they'll get discovered and lose respect, it's really
not use worrying about it as it's something impossible to stop.  I've seen
wonderful fan art from Japanese sites being used as opening images
on other people's sites.  That's really sad.

And I've been good about updating lately...

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