Cels Forum

Since when is being mean the norm?! >=( (Thu May 4 20:45:17 2000 )
Sonia Lai


Dear Mr./Ms. Mean,

Why are you being so mean and rude?  Opinions are fine, but
derrogoratory remarks just weaken your arguement and turn
you into a bully!  You have already lost your debate with
most of the people on this forum by your rude acusations.
Anybody that did agree with you probably don't think much
of your argument anymore because of your comments.  All my
life, I had to deal with bullies of one sort or the other,
so I have learned NOT to do the same to others and FROWN
upon those that still do so.  I couldn't defend myself when
I was younger, but I will gladly step in to defend anyone
now (unless you are Hitler)!  If you have something to say,
whether in writing or verbally, THINK before you do so.  Do
you want others to treat you the same way you treat them?
Do you want people around you to call you "IGNORANT" just
for expressing an opinion?!  If you do, I guess I can see
why you want to do so to others.  I have enough problems
just stopping myself from thinking I'm ignorant, so I don't
need anyone else to tell me so!



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