Cels Forum

Another perspective (Fri May 5 17:21:19 2000 )


My parents own a small business, and I have helped out on
occasion.  95% of the customers are cool.  The rest are
problematic.  Any time you run a business and have to deal
w/ people, you take the good with the bad.  I'm sure you
feel frustrated at times putting up with the bad apples,
but that's the case in ANY business, not just selling cels.

If you really hate dealing w/ ppl over the net, maybe you
should consider not selling over the internet, like Fuzz
did at Anime Lane.  Yes, you'll lose business, but you 
might find the tradeoff worthwhile.

As for the whining that you find irritating, I must remind
you that Yann owns this forum, and if he chooses to welcome
such posts in his forum, you have no right to tell ppl not
to post their honest opinions in this forum.


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