Cels Forum

RE: a world without cels... the sad facts (Sun Apr 23 20:36:29 2000 )


Yes, this seems to be the unfortunate future.  Several of

my favorite anime were produced without cels, and the

douga or genga for these series tend to start at $50

and go up from there. Toei animation does not use

cels at all anymore. Mahou Tsukai Tai! TV, Mamotte

Syugogetten!, and Digimon adv, all fairly recent shows,

were produced via computer coloring. Sooner or later,

all of the Japanese (and probably American, too) will

switch to computer cels due to cost, waste management,

or ease of production (I assume it’s much easier to

color a cel on a computer and correct mistakes).

So, yes, the number of studios that will be churning out

painted plastic waste is dwindling, and in the

foreseeable fortune will be zero. When this happens, I

won’t be a cel collector anymore, as genga, douga and

reproduction cels (which are waaaay to expensive, in my

opinion, for a repro cel. I mean, half the fun is

knowing that the cel was actually used in production)

hold little interest for me.

Try not to let it get you down too much… even after no

more cels are produced, there’ll still be plenty of

Minky Momo cels lying around for collectors to snatch up…



PS - why wont it let me respond to a message the normal

way? When I try to do that there's no "Post Message"

button o.O

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