Cels Forum

A cel sale which bothers me. (Wed Mar 22 17:35:38 2000 )


Here's the thing:  about a year ago I sold a certain cel to 
someone.  This cel had *no background*.  None, zip, zilch.  
Not even a pencil sketch.  Just the cel.

I see now that cel is being sold, by the person who bought it 
from me, *with* a background.  While the item is not being marketed 
as "with matching background" (there is no mention of the background 
at all) I feel that the sin of omission is being committed.

This makes me uneasy.  Had the description said "I've included a 
beautiful background which, while it did not come with the cel originally, 
fits it perfectly" then I would think hey!  More power to you and may you 
get top dollar!

As it is though I feel that a potential buyer may be misled into thinking 
 "wow, a nice cel with matching BG!" and will be pay more 
because of that fact.  Even if it is a nice BG, it isn't the original one and 
I know it for a fact.

It probably isn't my place to do anything anyway.  
I just feel .001% responsible and yet I know there's nothing I can do.

And no, I don't want to name the cel or the seller because I don't think the issues 
are completely clear yet.  Which is why I posted here.  What, if anything at all, do 
you think should be done in cases like this?  "Caveat emptor"?  WYSIWYG?  


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