Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Opinions, please (Thu Jan 27 00:01:11 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


I didn't mean to imply that she was already in "attack
mode". I was only meaning that however she handles this,
she should make a strong attempt to keep things calm and
civil. Some people, when they feel they have been mislead
or lied to, charge into the situation like a bull in a
china shop and that is almost always completely unprodutive
where working out problems is concerned. Actually, because
she is stopping to ask the forum for advice, shows that she
is remaining calm and trying to work things out. Unfortunately,
from another post she made, it doesn't seem to be helping
her any. . .

As far as stuck layers go, they had been mentioned by other
people in the thread and are another thing that can be
"wrong" with cels - something else that dealers would have
to be up front about when selling cels online. I think it's
perfectly relevant to bring up the subject of stuck layers
when discussing the problems of determining the condition
of cels you're looking at online and how to handle the
results of not receiving an accurate description from an
online dealer.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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