Cels Forum

Re: Re: !@#@!! Chroma Cels (Fri May 12 19:12:40 2000 )

Because the listers are morons. :P It's just a marketing 
gimmick, mind you, IGNORE these things. At least they say 
they're CHROMA at all!

Because newbies may be under the wrong impression easily when
they see these keywords - RARE, NEW, MINT, etc.

Same with Sericels, but it is possible for repros to be 
"limited ed." Don't know much about value, since I'm just 
not interested in repros. Lots of Kenshin copies, which 
are very obvious. 

Sometimes I just wish people would pay more attention!
Yes, EBay/Yahoo/etc. can be great places to find cels, but
sometimes other sites are better. I saw the Hobbit/LotR/RotK
animated VHS set go for well over $60 when they're available
from reel.com for much less. Go fig.

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