Cels Forum

Re: Re:Has anyone ever gotten burned this way? (Tue Nov 16 19:56:57 1999 )
Ranma's Cute Fiance'

I've encountered this from a number of people that have 
advertised single cels on this forum, that's why I rarely 
take any offers here seriously, except if I know the person,
have dealt with them before or know someone that has.

A similar thing happened to me several times with a dealer
called Anime Nation.  You waste your time ordering, then 
mailing in your payment or giving them a credit card number
over the phone and they sell the cels to whomever they assume 
pays first or makes them the best offer.  They don't even 
appoligse for their actions.  I recall from past posts here, 
that others have had the same problem with them.  

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