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Re: Although, I will say one thing... (Sun Jun 10 19:26:19 2001 )
Yann Stettler

> It seems, Yann, that you are making the customer
> responsible for any screw-ups Atomic Club makes.

Not at all. And I prefectly agree that it's a
real paint to do mail order with them. I am
only saying that they are honest.

I am also correcting the wrong impression that
there is many people complaining about them
in this thread : all anonymous messages are
coming from a single person who also posted
on another name. (and that person problem is
that he is more or less on Atomic Club blacklist).

> Notice that when you e-mail them asking to buy 
> something, they're very quick to respond, but 
> after that, no. 

Then you are awfully lucky : They are usualy
very slow to answer any mails.

> their customers. If they tell someone they are 
> willing to sell overseas, than they should 
> handle  that customer in a timely and
> professional manner.

I agree. And in that respect, I don't think they
are better or worse than a few other dealers.

But is it that bad ? In this thread, there is :
1 person who asked a question
1 person who speak about Abdelkader who has
  absolutly nothing to do with Atomic Club
1 person who is on Atomic Club black list
  and so can't buy from them anyway
1 person who posted to say he didn't had problem
1 person who didn't got his packet because it
  bounced back and to who I offered to call
  Atomic Club and see what the status is.
  (2 months is the minimal time for a
  "bounce-back" so it would seems they send the
  packet quickly enough)
1 person who complain because there wasn't the
  right person at the shop which caused problems.

Not as bad as it first seems, no ?

> The victims should not be blamed here. 

Which victim ?

> are only two people at the shop who know about 
> reserve cels, perhaps a better system should be 
> made. You can't sit here and say "Well, only two 
> people their sell cels, so it's OK that this 
> personhad a horrible experience."

You are under a wrong impression : The cels are
not usualy on display for sale in the shop.
When the person that handle that isn't here,
they simply don't sell cels. It is definitively
not a cel shop. You come back another day and
hope to have more luck. (or you call just before

Sure that's a pain when you come from far away.
But that's how it is. If you don't want to try
to come another day, then don't buy cels from

> I'm getting sick of the  victims getting blamed.

Again, show me a real victim. I am myself sick
of dishonesty and falshood. And of people
fighting their own little private war which
concern only them.

I am sorry that Drac's friend got a bad
experience but anybody going to that shop
could have told her that if you don't call
just before to make sure that the right person
is there, it's pretty pointless : You may
consider that the cels part of the shop is

The only potential victim I see here, is the
person that didn't got his/her cels yet
because of a problem with the postoffice.
For all you know, they may have already sent
back the cels... So before screaming, why don't
you let me check with the shop ? You know,
I don't have to do that... Swisscom is so damn
expensive on international call.

Yann Stettler

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