Cels Forum

Copywrites (Wed Oct 13 00:42:23 1999 )
Bob Brown

Hi Everyone!

Well, I've been reading the discussion about copyrights, and
just thought I would post the following. Fascinating! If anyone
is really interested in finding out what a copyright is (in the 
United States), and what is covered, all you have to do is read
US Code - Title 17. Here is a quick link:


If that doesn't put you to sleep, I believe that in order
for intellectual property to be covered under copyright, it
must be registered with the copyright office in the country
of origin. I'm certain the Pioneer registered all of the Tenchi
characters in Japan, and had their American subsidiary do
the same over here. Same thing applies to trademarks, etc.

What I'm getting at is that if it isn't registered, it isn't
copyrighted, no matter haw many '(C) -  All Rights Reserved'
 you put at the bottom of your site. Even if you do register
your material, their are many 'fair usage' clauses that allow
others to make copies for certain 'non-commercial' uses.

Don't get me wrong, I think people should get permission to
use images (like cel images) and text from other web sites,
but alas, I don't think that there is much you can do about it
if people do.


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