Cels Forum

Re: Re: Making backgrounds - Air brush vs. watercolor (Fri Apr 14 22:21:42 2000 )

*shakes head at self* As luck would have it the one BG I 
have with airbrush work on it is the only one I don't have 
scanned by itself (it figures).  The one behind my Chichiri 
and miaka cel has some airbrushing on it. (at least having used  both airbrush and watercolors IMHO this is what was 
used for the mist on the ground, and a straight edge and 
airbush for the buildings) Of
course it's difficult to get much of a feel for the technique used when you're looking at a scan and not the real thing,(since texture is a big part of it) so I dont know how evident this will be just looking at the image

 And in working on copying 
your classic "action shots" even though these are 
typically done with watercolors in the anime, its a heck of
a lot easier (again IMHO)  to re-create that blur of colors 
look with an airbrush than watercolors.

As far as the "moral correctness" or whatever of making 
your own BGs, I (obviously) don't see anything wrong with 
it, as long as you let people know it's not the real 
thing. It's your cel now, display it however you want.
Heck, my next project is to take a few pencil 
sketches I have and see if I can re-create the cel from 
them. Again, of course I'm going to mark them as being 

I didn't upload the BG in question because anything large 
enough to let you get a decent look at the medium used would be way too big in file size, but the cel is in my gallery 

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