Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: request effectiveness (Wed Jan 5 17:39:48 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Well, requesting help finding a cel (be it a cel that looks
like one you saw vanish from someone's update or just a
character/series you like) is different from repeatedly
pestering someone for one particular cel that you know they
bought. The first is a great way to make contacts, find out
about new dealers and locate some cool cels. ^_^  The
second is begging and a good way to get into people's e-mail
"kill-files". (*smirk*)

However, for a funny eBay story. . . I got some begger's
notes from people in regards to the Sailor Moon and Pluto
cel I won recently. One was only almost coherent and read
something to the terms of (paraphrased to protect the
imbicilic ^_-): this person believed she had been divinely
chosen to have this cel and if I didn't sell it to her, she
could only pray for my well-being. . . . Um, ooooookay. 0_o
Even crazier is, as far as I can tell, she never actually
bid on the thing! ^_^'

Has anyone else gotten any funny, really off-the-wall notes
from people who are begging for a cel you just got? Or am I
the only one lucky enough to attract such interesting people? ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

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