Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Vegita cel at Anime Shop Vega (Wed Jan 5 19:47:10 2000 )
Alex H.

you do make some good points.  actually, i'm in college myself,
and i find it easier somehow to get to updates when i'm at
school than when I'm at home.  nearly everyone i know has a pc
in their dorm room, so i do tend to forget about those less
fortunate than myself.  (nyu motto: "Ivory tower living in
the heart of Greenwich Village.")
As so many of us are young and (relatively) poor, i would say that high prices
are an issue.  in the past weeks i've seen cels go for way
more than i would think sane on ebay.  this doesn't help the
collectors, because dealers may see how inflated prices are
on ebay and possibly raise their prices accordingly.  i know
this is the law of the market, but it does not bode well for
a buyer.
the thing about ebay that bothers me, apart from the high
prices, is the not knowing.  how many of us have sat in front
of an auction we were high bidder on, praying to god that
you aren't sniped at the last minute?  i prefer to know right
off the bat that i'm not getting a cel rather than having to 
wait for a week, and then having my hopes dashed at the final second.
as for the not having a life thing-i spend a whole lot more
time fussing over ebay auctions than i ever do over taro.
the best thing to do with taro, if you don't have access so
early in the morning, is to make friends with someone lucky on the West Coast.
sometimes people are nice and will pick up things for you.
and if you don't get a particular cel, it's not quite the 
end of the world, though it stings.  (note: this is NOT
true in the case of the Piccolo-Kuririn.  if i miss that cel,
then it is the end of the world ^-~.)
anyway, i hope I clarified my point of view a little better, and we can agree to disagree.

p.s.  sorry i forgot to sign my earlier post.

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