Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: begging effectiveness (Wed Jan 5 20:48:52 2000 )

>I would agree, "begging" has it's place.  Not so much in
>driving people batty by bugging them every single time 
>they get a cel you'd like to have, but by letting peopl
>know that you are interested in cels like that one- at 
>least to me, it seems logical that if they really like
>that cel they'd probably like similar ones.

Yeah, but it seems like some people don't have any faith in
the brain capacity of people on the forum.  It's one thing
to "beg" at a cel you _really, really_ liked, but begging for
every cel of a certain character or certain series that one
misses (while conveniently ignoring the ones s/he got) seems
a bit disrespectful of the forum readers.  Sure, I would like
everyone to know I'm just as interested in most of the Utena
and VoH cels as the next collector who may have posted, but I
wouldn't want to insult their intelligence by reminding them


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