Cels Forum

Re: Does this mean that cels should be ventilated? (Thu Dec 30 21:56:43 1999 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


I've heard horror stories. . . I don't know if they're true
or not but I suspect they are and I don't take chances. I
put all my cels (unframed ones) into resealable bags and
make sure I open them at least once a year to exchange the
air. Not a problem, because I don't like looking at my cels
with all that plastic in the way, so they get taken out
once in a while anyway. ^_^  Sorry if that makes anyone cringe. ^_^

Even if the stories are true, nothing would build up *that*
quickly in a space as large as a whole cel bag and most
people who air their framed cels do so only once every
couple years. Don't jump off any nearby bridges thinking
you've done something hideous. ^_^

What I was saying in my first post is that it would take
much less time for something to build up to a high
concentration in a tiny pocket no bigger than a pinhead.
(Which would be the sort of pocket possibly left behind
after two cels became stuck together.) Hence, small amounts
of damage could be caused sooner than you would expect with
stuck cels - thus producing this "white stuff" I have yet
to see. (And hope I don't!)

Many Sharp Smiles,

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