Cels Forum

Re: Re: Dumb question #4: Should I just let mouths get stuck? (Thu Dec 30 01:53:45 1999 )

I've found that most of the times, when buying cels, I have
no way of knowing whether the sketch is stuck or not.  Often
times the dealers don't know themselves as they don't remove
them from what ever packaging they come in.  Often times in
the scan, I can make a guess.  If I can see the sketch at all,
I assume that it is stuck, but more than often I get the cel
and find out that it was just mailed in the same bag but has
not yet adhered.  The cel is my number one concern and as I
try only to buy cels I really care about, the pencil does not
matter as much, it's just a pleasant bonus.

As for layers, I really try to avoid mis-aligned layers, 
especially since they often ruin the beauty of a cel.  There's
just something irksome about seeing someone's mouth on their
cheek.  As for mis-ordered layers, that is something I've only
been seeing a lot of recently (I suppose I'm lucky...)  If it
doesn't affect how the cel looks, I don't mind as much, but if
it makes the cel non-sensical or covers up nice art/ruins the
scene (assuming they're stuck together) it would be hard to 
purchase.  Still, for a few special cels, I could probably make
an exception.  I'm not sure though, I guess I'll cross that bridge
when I come to it...


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