Cels Forum

Whew (sort of)! What about this one cel with oily pockets? (Thu Dec 30 22:12:44 1999 )
Sonia Lai


Dear Drac,

Whew (sort of)!  At least that's somewhat comforting to
hear, but I'm afraid of my laziness (I don't even exercise
my videotapes once a year as recommended!  Plus I have so
many videotapes that I think I would break my VCR's motor if
I did exercise them!)

I keep wondering if that's what happened to this one cel
that I have.  It's layers were stuck when I got them, but I
don't think they got stuck smoothly.  As a result, there are
these "oily" looking pockets that show up on the cel front
where the layers are stuck.  It sort of looks like the girl
in the cel has acne for real!  The cel wasn't that
expensive, but I'm worried about it.  Is there any way to
fix those oily pockets?  The layers are stuck tight, so I
don't think I can separate them and wipe out the "oil."  Any
suggestions?  Any help would be appreciated greatly!



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