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Mike Toole is acting like a big fat one... (Wed Feb 20 03:11:26 2002 )
kylaria77 (nli) [View profile ]


Really, at the end of the day, no one has a 
problem that you're voicing your opinion. People 
have a problem with the fact that you're being an 
ass about voicing said opinions.

You've been rude, cutting, condescending, and 
holier-than-thou while attempting to defend your 
opinion of buying licensed anime vs. fansubs. You 
are entitled to your opinion, but you are not 
entitled to act like a total jerk towards people 
on this forum. 

Here's my opinion. You point out that companies 
are getting better at subtitling, translating, 
etc, but like others on the forum, I'm not so 
quick to forgive their past transgressions (the 
term "sailor moon hack job" certainly came from 
SOMEWHERE), and to fork over my cash. I learned a 
long time ago that I could get quality fansubs 
for anime that I was interested in or wanted to 
experiment with for 1/4 the price I could buy the 
commercial (often dubbed no less) release. It's 
great that companies are getting better, but they 
certainly haven't convinced me that they care 
about me as a fan and want my business.

When I first got into anime (less than 5 years 
ago), I lived in a very small town. There wasn't 
any anime for miles, even at the local video 
places. Blockbuster? *snort* Hollywood Video? 
*double snort* Neither were located in the town I 
lived in, nor in the next town over. DVDs are all 
well and good, but I don't have a DVD player. I 
know they are "prevalent" - amongst middle class 
and upper middle class and so on, but I'm lower 
middle class at best, and quality anime should be 
available to me just as much as the next person 
on the street. 

With your corporate rhetoric and non-fan friendly 
attitude, you come across as a stooge for the 
industry in every post you make. Furthermore, the 
tone doesn't even allow for another point of view 
to EXIST. Yours is obviously the correct and 
superior one. *rolls eyes* If everyone in the 
anime industry LUVS anime so much and they're 
*such* big fans, then why not make a serious 
effort to make anime available for everyone? 
Instead of putting up barriers all in the name of 
profit-making? I believe that you should be able 
to make a profit and still give back to the 
community that allows you to stay in business in 
the first place...


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