Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Buyers BEWARE! (Tue Jan 5 23:51:16 1999 )


Sorry Yann!  I took Fuzz's comment to "post anything" I wanted 

I just wanted people, espicially those who think he is such
a nice guy to see firsthand the way other people are treated
by him.  And warn the people who haven't.

I beleive it was understandable for me to be upset when I did
not receive $80 worth of cels that I had paid for.  Since
he didn't mention to me that the 2 week delay in response
on the matter was due to him being on vaction, I assume
this was not the case.  He simply didn't feel like getting
back to me.

Now because I complained to him about the way he has treated
me, he is calling me a SLIMEBALL, telling, me I am lucky HE
ever did business with ME in the first place, and telling me
how he is going to e-mail all the cel dealers he knows and
LIE about me in order to get me blacklisted. He is making his
poor business practices out to be MY fault.  I am not the 
"employees" that "work in his shipping department" which is
who's fault he originally said it was.  Funny nothing is ever
HIS fault ot HIS mistake....

Given the amount of money I have been spending on cels, and
the repeat business I give the dealers I like, I am not too
worried about this.  If new dealers don't want to sell to
me because I don't like being jerked around, talked down to,
or generally abused, then those aren't the people I want to
do business with anyway.

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