Cels Forum

Re: Re: Lottery System ^.^ (Fri Feb 4 15:08:33 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


I'm with Yann on this one. . . I don't think first come,
first serve is unfair. Speaking as someone who is nigh
terminally unlucky, I hate things that rely solely on luck
of the draw. There's nothing fair in luck.

I also don't think that first come, first serve is
necessarily the favorite of people who are in front of
their computers all day. I'm not in front of my computer
all day. . . in the first place, I can't check things
online while I'm at work (a vet's assistant knows no slow
days ^_^), and when I get home, I have other hobbies that
entertain me away from the computer for long streches of

I find many dealers will announce upcoming updates. The
second best trick to "mastering" first come, first serve is
to watch when dealers post. Most dealers - those who post
more frequently - usually post at approximately the same
times of day. (Which on the dealer's end, coincides with a
point in the day that they happen to have free time, like
after they get home from work, etc.) I figure out the
general time and check back at approximately those times.

One thing I hadn't thought of with the lottery system is
winning too little to be worth the postage - especially if
the place holding the lottery were overseas. (Mentioned
further down in this thread.) Thinking about that I
realized that I do try to order more than one thing at once
(and find I let myself rationalize myself into getting
more  ^_-) when I know that they'll all be under the same
shipping charge. I've also specifically *not* ordered
things when I can't come up with enough to be worth the
postage. So, good point there. . .

Many Sharp Smiles,

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