Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: When CMP start auctioning copy cels ! (Thu Sep 16 22:13:57 1999 )

>I won't answer to the question of the cost as it's
>illegal to have such copies made. But most cels
>dealers received sometime ago a letter from a Korean
>studio that proposed to make such copies.

Yep, I got that Korean advertisement too.  I didn't
even bother to reply.  About a week later they asked
me again.....and again I just ignored them.

I did happen to get one of those cels of Ed though. One
from "Dirty Pair Flash".  And to be honest, I love it.
The quality is very good.  Don't get me wrong though, 
just because I like it doesn't make it legal for people
to sell them.  I would much rather spend the cash for
a true Henken cel than a bootleg.  But if someone showed
me an awesome one of Ryoko....could I refuse?  

Kinda along the same line as bootlegging movies and such.
Its Illegal to make them, people know its wrong, but
dammit, they want their Star Wars!  ^_^;


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