Cels Forum

Re: Ebay auction - Deedlit(an affordable alternative) (Mon Sep 13 00:13:32 1999 )

Hmm.. I too have painted an OP cel of deed from the TV series
due to a love of the character and a seious lack of funds
needed to buy such lovely cels.

However, I think the selling of such items for profit may be illegal..
altho I'm not very sure about that.. (Copyrights and such)

As long as you asked the actual owner of that cel if it was
oki to paint and sell it (hey, they're the one who paid a fortune
to own the image.. i think I'd be pissed if someone sold copies of
a cel i bought..) I guess it's oki, but you may want to watch out for 
an ebay crackdown on such items in the near future.. they've already
started seriously policing CD bootlegs and other such legal infringements.
Fan cels and fan art may be next.

-jocey, who will never sell her fan done deed cause it's currently 
decorating her bedroom wall (I love not having to worry about traceline 
fading since it's a fake cel anyways;)

ps: it's a nicely done fancel btw, bravo ^^

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