Cels Forum

Re: Who Are YOU? (Fri May 12 10:42:15 2000 )

This sort of thread has come up many a time before but
since I never responded to it then, I guess I will now ^^

My name is Heather, but I've always gone by Jocey which
is from my middle name, Jocelyn.. If you couldn't guess
from that info, I'm female ^^;.. I'm 23 years of age, I live just outside of Rotterdam, Holland (for those of you who have no clue at all where this country is, and many
people don't.. If you draw a triangle between Paris,
London, and Berlin it's basicly right in the middle ;), 
and I am a college graduate (From an American University in

My first anime experience was Last Unicorn in a theatre
when I was 5 or 6 years old..When I was in high school
I was shown a comic of Lodoss wars and It became my favourite ever since. I adore the character design. Somehow
I really don't like the TV version though.. I guess the artwork
just doesn't grab me as well (the OP is excellent, though)
I love Mahou Tsukai TAI and Bakuretsu Hunter, too..

There has never been a cels shop anywhere near any place
I've lived , and I didn't even know you could buy cels
from anime untill I was in college.. Which is horrid
because everyone knows college students are poor :)
Because of that I made my own rule of 'NEVER more than 100-150$
per month on cels'... Even to this day I've kept that rule
which has a big help on my bank account. I'm very very 
tempted though to go all out and buy a nice OVA deedlit, but
If I did, by my rule, I couldn't buy another cel for 12
months... Oh the humanity! ^_^


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