Cels Forum

Re: Who are YOU! (Sat May 13 03:04:01 2000 )


WoW It is really interesting to finally hear who many of you 
are!I have not posted much on the forum but for future reference,
and something to do while my laundry drys, here goes.

My name is Ted Genz and I am a 22 year old male. 
I go to the U on Minnesota (Hey Sonia!)in Minneapolis. I 
will graduate with a Psychology
degree in 1 semester. I also tend transgenic tomatoes and 
tobacco in a horticulture lab I what free time I have I 
enjoy anime and fencing as well as music. I have been buisy the past 
2 1/2years playing guitar in a "female fronted black metal
influenced hard-core band" called Ereshkigal( but all good 
things come to an end :{)It is funny because my friends
are surprised that spend so much time watching cute shows
when I play "evil" music. Balance is a good thing
 And no I don't play D&D any more! 
Nothing wrong with that but it gets assumed a lot J/K :). 

As far as anime goes  the first shows I saw were Robotech and
Voltron in second grade. Later around 13 I watched Vampire Hunter D,
Fist of the North Star, Venus Wars ect. I took a break until about 2 
years ago when I discovered Tenchi, Ranma, Slayers, Kenshin, Berserk and
others. It feels good to be back.. 

I collect Tenchi and Ranma cels. My first was one of Akane.
Oh, and for the record I have crushes on Ukyo and Mayuka, 
and I would have to say Kenshin as well(admit it most of you all 
probably do too!) He is just too smooth! Anyways, thanks for
listening to the ramble. Take care all, I'll see you around!

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