Cels Forum

Re: Who Are YOU? Oh what the heck :) (Sat May 13 00:19:06 2000 )

Well, since this thread has already gotten out of control
I might as well join in.

Marcus is my first name and in regards to any nicknames
I might use, the only one that I am using regularly is
shadow (currently in use only as the first sub-heading
of my site) (very short story as to how I got that one).

Anyways, for anyone that that has not already figured out
I am a male (made obvious by the large number of female
cels in my gallery) and am currently 24 (when I do not

I am a third year grad student in microbiology at the
University of Alabama at Birmingham where I am studying
retroviral gene therapy and HIV. I actually will be getting
out my first first author paper in the next couple of monthes
so I am for once in a happy mood (though I am still tired).

What got me into anime was the badly bastardized version
of Nausica that they showed about 20 years ago and the 
Last Unicorn. For both sentimental reasons and the fact
that they are great movies, these movies have remained
my two favorite series. 

In regards to why I started collecting cels, it was 
mostly because I had just given up collecting magic
cards about 4 years ago and was looking for something
cheaper to collect. Since I already liked anime I thought
it was logical to start collecting cels.  Boy did I 
choice wrong. Mostly I will blame Ash for this, since I 
think she was the first person I really started getting 
cels from on a regular basis.

In regards to general series, I like just about everything
(as witness by the cels I collect). The one interesting
I want to note about Birmingham is that while it is boring 
to live here, it does have one comic book store that has a 
number of minky mono, Gairath, and Gall force cels. How 
this happened I really do not know.

Well back to my Western Blots,

PS  I am about to clean out the gallery again, if anyone
has their heart set on a cel that is not marked NSF let
me know, otherwise, it could be off to ebay in the near

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