Cels Forum

Re: Who Are YOU? (Sat May 13 03:31:56 2000 )

Hi.  My name, as you can see, is Ryan.  I am a 22
year old college student from Orlando, FL.  
I enjoy watching anime and listening to Punk Rock.
I like all kinds of anime, but my favorite is 
Escaflowne.  (Along with everybody else)  
I collect cels from alot of different series, but I plan
to limit myself "somewhat" to Esca.
I have to admit... I have an addiction.
I spend countless hours glued to the computer, not to 
mention every free penny I get.  I set my alarm for 
3 AM to catch Taro updates...only to miss the cels I want.
My girl friend says I should seek help but I dont know.
All I can say is this:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot
change, the courage to change the things I can, and the 
wisdom to know the difference. (Jk)

Oh yeah and my new goal is to get more and better cels
than WebDeb.  She stole all the cels I wanted.  : )

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