Cels Forum

Re: Who Are YOU? You mean Me? (Fri May 12 18:29:55 2000 )


I guess I'm one of the oldest people here, I'm in my late 30's. sigh...
And I should hope from the name that you can tell that I'm a guy!
As far as a nickname, I gave up on that a year ago. Now it's Walt.
I live just outside of NYC and work in NYC.

As far as what I do, I'm a television engineer, and no I don't 
fix home TV's and VCR's. I worked for NBC for 15 years and 
won a couple of Emmy Awards while I was there.
If you want to see one go to http://www.sysak.com/walter/Emmy/emmy.html
Now I work for another company as their Chief Engineer.

I got into Jap Anime through a friend of mine who is an artist.
He was very into drawing in the style of anime and I got interested
when he showed me a few anime titles that he had.
This was several years ago. Last year I went to a store in 
NYC called Image Anime looking for some anime videos, while
I was there I found that they sold cels also. I bought my
first one then and there.
It wasn't until this past January that I started to buy more cels.
Now it's become a real hobby. As they say "You Can't Buy Just One!"
I collect alot of different series, but my favorites are
Tenchi and El Hazard.

And that's me~


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